I had to work late on Monday and then was stuck in some crazy traffic on my way home. Meanwhile Bennett and Daddy were outside planting grass seed and watering. When I finally made it home Bennett was super excited to see me, which was nice. Especially since I wasn't that late.
No nap on Tuesday, but Bennett had a chance to run around for a while at home while Daddy mowed the grass and I watered the garden. Due to our outside activities dinner ended up being a little late. Bennett and I also got packages in the mail containing hats for our upcoming walk for Boston Children's Hospital. Walkers who received over $450 by a certain date got the hats.
Seeing how on Wednesday it was my turn to take Bennett to speech, of course he dind't sleep late. In fact, he even tried to crawl into bed with my while holding a bagel.
Coloring before speech and then he framed it on the fridge with magnets. |
It was another day with no nap. When we got home from school Bennett helped me wrap Rosaline's birthday presents and then he played with his Duplo train track and with the Lego fire station.
I got an exciting email asking if I would agree to film a short interview about the Children's walk. Eek.
On Thursday Bennett did nap. Not sure if it was because of this or because of not getting a chance to run around, but he was awake until almost 10:00. Because it was raining we had to stay inside and Bennett watched Peter Pan. Then after it ended he pretended to be the crocodile and then he was Mr. Smee. He also must have been hungry (still in that growth spurt?) because he ate almost as much as we did for dinner.
On Friday after school and work we decided to load up the truck with the old bush that we took out a few weeks ago. Luckily Andrew and Gentry are awesome and they were willing to let us bring the bush to them to add to their bonfire pile. Unfortunately it won't be until next year until they can get a permit for said bonfire. While we were there Aunt Gentry gave Bennett a camel that she got for him while she was in Israel. Didn't you know that there was a camel that lived at the OSV farm?
Bennett also had fun climbing into Daddy's truck and then jumping out. We tried explaining that this isn't allowed anywhere but Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry's house, so hopefully he remembers that. This video was after he had jumped out a number of times, so I think he was getting pretty tired.
Saturday was the start to a busy weekend!
At soccer Bennett started off ok but then quickly lost interest. We only have one more week left and I don't think we'll be signing him up again any time soon.
We then headed off to Sturbridge.
The first thing we did was head down to the farm so that Bennett could meet the calves. They do this all the time now, but we thought he might like getting to get close to one. Instead he wondered why there were ropes on the calves.
Betsy's calf now has a name. Her previous calves have both had theme names and they wanted to continue the theme. Rainy was born on a rainy day and Summer was born on the solstice. So the new calf is named Chance because there was a "chance of rain" the day he was born.
We were also excited to discover that they are now doing a 10am milking! Betsy and Button are still being milked twice a day, but they've started milking Bonnie once a day at 10 so enable a different audience to watch the milking. This is nice for us because we're never around at 3:30 as it conflicts with naps.
Bennett also got a chance to feed the chickens some bread dough scraps.
The fun part of the day was that it was the Antique Car Rally. In OSV's early history one would drive throughout the village stopping at the various buildings. So now, once a year, cars that are from 1946 or older are invited to come and drive around the village.
Bennett's favorite car was this truck that had been turned into a traveling market. He told many of the interpreters that "my favorite car is the one with the fruits and vegetables". Of course since most of them were working inside, they had no idea what he was talking about!
On the way out we stopped inside the firearms exhibit and Bennett pretended to be Phil.
In other OSV news, they finally have pigs again! However, they are in a different pen and have actually dismantled the old one. Rhys acknowledged that this messes us our farm at home.
We also learned which of the cows will be sold. Summer and Rainy are being sold (one to a 4-H family, and one to the guy who drives the stagecoach) and next year Isaac and Chance will be leaving. One will be sold and the other will be butchered offsite and the meat kept for the food program.
At the tinshop Bennett got to help Phil put together part of a lantern.
And we were impressed with one of the interpreters at the farmhouse when she spoke to Bennett by name. We know her name (because she's pictured in the calendar) but we've never seen her that much. Did she just pick up on us saying his name? Do the various interpreters talk about us amongst themselves so she knew who we were?
And to prove how much Bennett picks up on, while we were on our way grocery shopping later that afternoon, Bennett drew a picture on his magna doodle of Rhys milking Bonnie and he included many of the things he saw.
On Sunday we headed into Boston.
Our first stop was the Make Way for Ducklings statue in the Public Garden. Luckily we were there pretty early so not many people were around. Later in the day I'm sure it would have been mobbed with kids. And that night Daddy read this story to Bennett and pointed out the streets we had been on, etc.
Make Way for Bennett |
Our reason for going to Boston though was for the Walk for Boston Children's Hospital. Once again we walked with Fiona, Alicia, and John. (But not John from Peter Pan- a different one.)
Team photo |
Bennett is slowly starting to grow into the shirt. You would think that at an event that has lots of kids they might have some smaller shirts for them to wear.
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2014 - 2013 - 2012 |
We got there early, just before 9, and it was already HOT! We did some activities like sitting in this giant inflatable chair, played with bubbles, and Bennett had his arm painted.
I also was interviewed for a wrap-up/promotional video that they made. I had been contacted earlier in the week asking if I would be willing. Sure! I must not be a good interviewee though because my segment is really short. Bennett decided to be shy but there is some cute footage of him playing with the bubbles. He had taken all of the bubble wands, maybe about a dozen of them, and was waving them around.
We started the walk early. Partly to beat the heat, and partly to avoid some of the swarms of people. It felt like we finished much more quickly that we did last year. In fact, we finished before they were ready for us- they didn't have the medals ready, lunch wasn't ready yet, etc.
Once again Fiona held Bennett's hand the whole way again. Very cute, and it kept him moving. Maybe this would help at Sturbridge to keep him from dawdling and constantly asking to be picked up.
After lunch we headed home. Since it was so hot we set up a pool in the backyard. Bennett had a blast playing in it and didn't mind the chilly water.
Pretending to take a nap. |
And to round out the day we we went out for icecream after dinner.
I'd say it was the epitome of good summer day- Bennett was sweaty, sticky, had grass stains on his knees, a scraped leg, and ice cream dripped on his legs.
Also, here are some random OSV stats for you.
- Our membership renewal date is May 31st.
- From June 1, 2013 - May 25, 2014 we visited 52 times.
- We started weekly visits on June 22, 2013. Assuming we also visit this coming weekend (either the 14th or 15th) we will have visited every week for the past year, not counting weeks that they only were open for paid events (Christmas by Candlelight). Since we've also gone more than once on some weekends, this will bring our total for the year to 54 visits. I'd say we got our money's worth from the membership!