So much has happened today! Bennett...
- had his PICC line removed.
- had his pacing wires removed
- took a bottle at multiple feedings today (yesterday he guzzled one down but then didn't want one at a second feeding)
- nursed from the breast for 20 minutes!!!!!
- and yesterday he had his nasal cannula removed.

On the not so fun side, we just learned that since his car seat is only recommended for over 5 pounds, we'll need to find something else for him until he reaches that weight. :( So rather than spending lots of money on a new carrier style car seat that is rated for over 4 pounds we'll probably be buying (through the hospital) a car seat
bed that he can use until he reaches 5 pounds. Hopefully we won't get much rain or other icky weather until he can fit in his regular car seat as I imagine it will be more of a pain to get him in and out of the car.
But maybe some of the best news? Looks like we're aiming for the middle of the week to be able to take Bennett home! Since he will still be on some meds we'll start to get training on how to administer those. I guess now we just need to really crack down and find him a pediatrician.