Monday, May 20, 2013

Bennett has a new best friend

Not anything that happened this week, but I finally posted photos from the last two years of the Pinewood Derby.  Those pictures can be found here.  And for anyone who is interested, this year the Derby will be on August 24th. 

This week was actually pretty light on photos.  I used to try to get at least one photo a day.  There certainly were some days that I missed, but I think on a "bad" week I would only miss 2 days.  This week was really bad!

Here's one that I got of Bennett looking at a book with hidden pictures.  It was cute how he would put his finger on the side of his face while searching for something.
On Saturday Grandpa came over for dinner.  Grandpa kept Bennett entertained while we got dinner ready.  And we were impressed that Bennett actually got *in* the sandbox.  Normally he just plays from the outside while awkwardly leaning in.

The most fun part of the week though was yesterday when we went to The Curious George Store in Harvard Square.  At first he was extremely overwhelmed by all of the people and traffic.  When we were driving around trying to find a place to park, I think he enjoyed looking at everything, but it was a different story when we got out of the car!

But he was VERY excited when we got to the store.  He said "mine" about almost everything that he saw with George on it.  Sorry buddy, as much as we wanted to get you everything we had to limit it.  We settled on a couple of new books and a stuffed George.    
Trying on The Man with the Yellow Hat's hat.

There were multiple stuffed Georges to choose from. We offered him two choices and he immediately grabbed one of them. We asked again just to be sure, and yes, that was the one he wanted.  When we checked out the cashier asked if we wanted her to cut the tags off.  Yes, please! 

When we went to lunch Bennett sat down in a chair and then put George in the chair next to him.  And he did an awesome job of holding tight to George as we walked around Harvard Square for a while after lunch.  He may have just gotten a new best friend!  
Here's Bennett with his new Curious George as they are greeted by the doorman at the entrance of the store.

And finally, no trip to Sturbridge this weekend, but I have put together a book of all of our visits over the past year.  (Mel, be forewarned that there are some pictures on pages 22 and 23 that you don't want to see.)

You'll love Shutterflys award-winning photo books. Try it today.


  1. I love, love, love the picture with his new best friend!

  2. It would be better if he was smiling though, and if the hat wasn't in his face. However, he was completely overwhelmed. And hungry.
