Showing posts with label party prep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party prep. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

August 18 - 24

For those keeping track, I think we had naps twice this week.

On Monday (no nap) Bennett and Daddy made pizza for dinner and then Bennett played in my craft room for a while.  After Bennett went to bed we started making some teepees for Bennett's party.

On Tuesday (no nap) Bennett discovered the teepee we left in the living room.  He loved playing in it and brought lots of toys inside.  After he went to bed we finished it up.

Wednesday (yes nap) after school Bennett watched Monster's Inc while I went for a run.  He saved his carrot  sticks from dinner but said he didn't want them for lunch for pirate week (next week).  Instead asked if he could bring them to Sturbridge as a snack

On Thursday (no nap) after school he played in the teepee some more and built a "sawmill" with blocks.

Friday (no nap) was another day of Bennett falling asleep on the way home from school.  I'd taken the day off from work so I made a second teepee, and worked on some other things for the party.
    On Saturday (no nap) we went to Sturbridge.  Bennett helped saw a log and we went on the Pasture/Woodland walk (haven't done that one since pre-Bennett).  We also learned that there is a problem with the bake oven at the farm.  Hope they can get it fixed quickly!

    After rest (remember, no nap today) Bennett played in the backyard while I did some cleaning up in the garden.

    On Sunday Bennett hung out with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry.  He thought he was going to be spending the night so he first said that we had to go to school to get a mat for him (we've borrowed a nap mat in the past that he uses when he spends the night at their house) and then he asked if he needed his suitcase, toothbrush, etc.  Finally I think he understood that this would just be a daytime visit.  Given his napping pattern lately I suggested that they not even try to have him take a nap, so of course he fell asleep in the car on the way home around 4:00.  I transferred him to bed, but he woke up a short time later very disoriented.  He seemed tired still but he didn't want to go back to bed, so we let him get up and a few hours later he went to bed without any problems.

    While Bennett was away Daddy worked on finishing up our front stairs (he started replacing them a month ago).  They aren't quite done yet, but they're getting closer.  I ran errands and worked on a few things for Bennett's party.