Monday, November 12, 2012

Skating Lessons

I've been taking figure skating lessons for a number of years.  I've been trying to convince Chris that he should also take them, but he's been resistant.  And then when we were at the skating party a couple of weeks ago, he agreed that he would be up for taking lessons.  Woo hoo!  But what do we do with Bennett if we're both on the ice? They have tot lessons, but they are meant for age 3 and up.  I had heard that sometimes they will take younger kids, so at my last lesson I asked the director if we could sign (2 year old) Bennett up.  She said we could try.  Yay!!!

The other problem is that the Tot lessons are only 25 minutes and the adult lessons are 50 minutes.  Assuming he does ok, I figure Chris and I will just take turns with who gets a short lesson.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.  So last weekend while Bennett was with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry Chris and I went out to get him (Chris) skates.  The shop I normally go to is closed on Sundays, but there was another store that has been recommended to me so we gave them a try.  Hopefully the skates will help- Chris has been convinced that part of his skating difficulties has been due to poor rental skates, which is likely partly true.

Saturday morning we tried to get Bennett psyched up about skating.  We went and checked in and then I went to get him rental skates.  This was the only hiccup in our plans.  I hadn't checked to see if they had skates in his size.  Normally Bennett is a 6.5, but 7s are ok.  The smallest they had was an 8.  We gave them a whirl.  Not sure if they impacted his abilities or not, but it's what they had so we went with it.  And seeing how his feet are constantly growing, I'm not about to buy him skates for only a month or two of use.

When it was time for the lesson to start, Bennett was very resistant to go out on the ice.  I had been holding him, and I tried passing him off at the doorway like all of the other parents.  He did NOT want to be put down.  This is where I had the advantage over the other parents since I've been skating at this rink for a number of years.  Plus I needed to talk to his teacher since they had his name wrong on the class list (he was on the list with my name).  So I just carried him on.  He still didn't want to be put down, but I handed him off to his teacher and left him as he was fussing.  I've heard other kids screaming through their whole lesson, but he must have only fussed for a minute since I didn't hear him for very long.

During my lesson I kept looking across the ice to check out how he was doing.  At this age the purpose is mostly to just get used to the ice, try to stand, and maybe do some skating.  I think most of the time Bennett was sitting on the ice.  :)  At one point I saw him standing but then fell down, or so I thought.  When his class was over and I was talking to his teacher she said that he could stand (unclear if this meant he was able to get up and stand on his own or if it meant he would stand after she helped him up) but that he chose to sit back down because it was more fun to just crawl and slide around.  She reassured me that even this was good because he was getting used to the ice, and I agree.  As long as he was having fun, that's all that matters.  Although if he learned to skate that would be awesome, because I'm not really sure how to teach those skills.)

After we got our skates off Bennett and I went to watch Daddy.  Daddy seems to have my problem of not being able to stop.  :)  He reports he only fell once, but he did crash into the boards numerous times.  I remember doing that for quite some time! 

What was interesting is that for the rest of the weekend Bennett was VERY clingy.  We had errands to run and Bennett wouldn't walk and didn't want to sit in the shopping cart.  Carrying 26+ pounds around is very tiring though!  Chris and I are wondering if this clingyness is due to "abandoning" Bennett on the ice for his class.  I hope not. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Bennett!

Huh?  Wasn't his birthday over a month ago?  Yes, it was.  But Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry had given him an I.O.U. for a trip with them to the Boston Children's Museum.  After a bit of planning, we got schedules worked out and yesterday they took him.

And what's even better, is they decided to get a membership, which means he'll be back at least 3 more times so that they break even on cost.  :)

Riding the T.
He liked holding on to the bar.  :)
Bennett had ridden the T (the subway in Boston) once before, but it was back in June.  He liked holding on to the grab bar and flirting with one of the other riders.  (Although he was flirting with her reflection in the window.) 
Building with blocks (and having them fall down)
is lots of fun!

It was interesting to hear which rooms of the museum they had gone into.  Some of them were the same as where we've gone, but they also went into some different rooms.  It will be nice for him to get different experiences with everyone! 

One thing about the Children's Museum though is that they have a GIANT (3 story) climbing structure.  We think that Bennett would love it and probably could climb in it without problems, but that convincing him to get out of it could be a problem.  Luckily they came to that same conclusion, so it will likely be a while before he can try that out.
Uncle Andrew & Aunt Gentry also seem to understand
that it's necessary to always have pictures taken in cut-outs such as these.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Same costume, 3 babies

Shortly after a good friend of mine gave birth I came across a book with a super adorable cow outfit in it.  When we were in high school she and I had both really liked cows, so I knew I wanted to knit it for her son.  I gave it to him as an early 1st birthday present, and he wore it for Halloween in 2010.

T- the original recipient, in 2010.
 Then Bennett came along, and also having a fall birthday, the cow outfit ended up being his Halloween costume as well.

Bennett, in 2011- I get a kick out of the fact that the cow
is drinking a bottle of milk.  :)
And now we have another recipient of the cow costume!  My cousin's daughter just turned 1 so I offered it up to her.

R- the 2012 recipient.
So who will be next in 2013?  Anyone just have or about to have a baby who might appreciate a hand knit cow costume next year?  I love seeing this worn by so many little ones!  And not only has it been worn by three babies, it's also been to three states- Maine, Massachusetts, and Florida!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Wrap-up

You wouldn't expect Sir Topham Hatt to walk, would you?  Nope, he drives around in style.

We had big hopes of making his car out of wood, but Chris got busy with work and making scarf display racks (a crazy side project he never should have agreed to do).  So last Tuesday night I drew up a pattern and started cutting and taping cardboard.  It went together pretty well.  I would have preferred to be able to tape on the outside, but I knew that wouldn't look good when I painted.

I had a bit of a time crunch.  Friday night our town had an event where kids can go trick or treating downtown, and then there's a parade.  Of course we want his car ready for that.  So with major construction done on Tuesday, that left time for blue paint on Wednesday and then accent paint on Thursday.
In hindsight, it was kind of a pain.  (Although it did help some people identify what his costume was.)  There were lots of people downtown, so it was difficult to maneuver between people, and also it was having some steering problems.  Note to self- next year don't bring a wagon!

Here are a couple of other pictures from Friday.

Watching the parade.
 But that's not all!  Two more opportunities on Saturday to don his costume!  First was a birthday party at an ice rink.  So much fun!
We weren't sure if the rink would have skates in his size, but they did!  He was really wobbly when we first put them on, and kept falling down in the lounge area.
One nice thing about this rink is that they had "walkers" for people to use to help with balance.  It wasn't quite enough for Bennett, but between us holding him up and the walker, he did marginally better.  He really liked it when I took him for a spin around the ice, but then he didn't want to go back to Daddy and the walker.

What was interesting though is when he got off the ice he had no problems walking in his skates anymore and was able to walk the entire length of the rink.  After skating there was some trick or treating around the rink, getting a few treats from some of the other parents who were there.  Then cake and ice cream.  He's never really been a big fan of ice cream before, but he loved it!

After the party we went to Sturbridge for an event they were holding called, Things That Go Bump In the Night. 

They had TONS of carved pumpkins along the roads and in a field at the entrance.  At the end of the night they were encouraging people to choose a pumpkin to bring home, but we opted not to do so.

There also was trick or treating around the village, and for the older kids, there was a spooky walk they could go on.  What was neat was that at each spot where they were giving out candy the people were dressed in a theme.  Unfortunately I think it took us until about the 3rd or 4th one (if not more) to realize that they were all storybook themes.  Mother Goose was the 2nd person we saw, but we never made the connection until we saw Mary (and her Little Lamb).  Then we figured out that the scary looking pigs we had seen were the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.  Another fun spot was Alice in Wonderland where Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the March Hare were all sitting around drinking tea.

No one knew who Bennett was, but they all commented about how dapper he looked.

In addition to the trick or treating, they also had a juggler who we watched.  Unfortunately the barn he was in was packed to overflowing, so visibility was a bit difficult.

As we were leaving we stopped at a sleigh that they had set up as an advertisement for a future event to be held in December-Christmas by Candlelight.  They also had some cloaks and other costume pieces that you could put on for a picture, but Bennett's costume was perfect just the way it was.

Sunday was yet another chance to wear his costume!  We took him to J.C. Penney to have pictures taken. That's where we go for all our other portraits (I think this may have been our 8th time going there now.)  They had a great deal running for the month of October plus we had a coupon for $25 off.  I ordered 3 8x10s, 6 5x7s, and 16 wallets and after all of my coupons it only cost $3.19.  Score!  It almost was going to be free, but at the end I added an extra sheet of wallets, so that's pretty much all we had to pay for.  I have another $25 coupon to use in November, so that will be used for our family pictures.

Phew.  That's a lot of costume wearing!  But wait, there's more!

On Halloween there was a party at school.  Bennett's daycare (or school, as we call it) is located in a nursing home and the kids got to go trick or treating to get candy from the "grandmas and grandpas".  They all LOVED his costume!  There's one resident who is especially fond of Bennett, so they made sure that he got to see Bennett all dressed up.  The director is also good about making sure that there are non-candy items for the kids, so he also got playdough, a peg game, bracelets, stickers, etc.

And last but not least, Bennett got to go Trick or Treating at West Street, Nana and Grandpa's neighborhood.  We stopped by after school for pizza (he wasn't interested) and then got changed and went out.  To us, even though he's had all these other experiences, this was his first "real" time trick or treating.  I don't know, I suppose the other times could have counted, but this was the first time we've taken him out on Halloween night, the first time he's gone up to houses, etc.
With Cowboy Grandpa
 He had a blast.  He knew exactly what to do.  He might have been a little timid at first, but I think after the first house he was a pro.  We brought the wagon with us again this time, but after the first block or so he was ready to walk.  Sure riding around was cute, but that required getting in and out of the wagon at every house.  And again, we reaffirmed that we don't want to mess with the wagon again in future years.

Trick or Treat!
So there you have it!  That's a summary of all of Bennett's Halloween adventures.  And unlike our experience at Day Out with Thomas, he now loves his costume!  In fact, last week I brought out the hat for him to wear and then he wanted to put on his spats and jacket.   And then he started vacuuming.  :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Museum Memberships

We have memberships to two different museums: Old Sturbridge Village and the Boston Children's Museum.  In the 6 months we've had the OSV membership, we've gone 9 times.  The Children's museum we've had since the end of July and we've gone twice.  The latter was a good idea in theory, but seems to take more planning on our part.  Plus we have to pay for parking, which is also a deterrent.  It will pay for itself in 2 more visits, and we're confident we'll do that (especially over the winter), but I don't think we'll be renewing that membership.

But we definitely love OSV.  My family had a membership for a while when I was younger and I fondly remember our visits.  Then Chris and I got a membership a couple of years ago (while I was pregnant with Bennett, actually).  I know we got our money's worth with that membership, but it was nothing like now!

Hanging out with Mumma in the Boba
 What's nice about the membership is that we don't feel bad if we're there for only a short amount of time.  And we mostly look at the animals, check out the gardens, etc.  Occassionally we go into a building, but not usually.  It's also interesting to see how our visits have evolved from Bennett being mostly in the stroller to mostly in the Boba (baby carrier), to mostly walking/riding on shoulders.  We went last weekend and he pretty much refused the Boba, but was happy as a clam riding on Daddy's shoulders.

The new waterwheel, officially in action for the first time
since being replaced.  (They had tested it earlier in the week.)

On our most recent visit, this past weekend, they were celebrating "Harvest Days".  It was a chance to help harvest corn, potatoes, beets, etc.  Plus they gave tours of the root cellar, smoke house, and barns.  Unfortunately we had to miss that since it was in the middle of nap time.  But an added bonus of our visit on Saturday was the rededication of the gristmill.  It's been out of operation for a number of years as it needed a new waterwheel as well as some other repairs.  It was finally done!  We happened to be in the area of the mills when the ceremony was coming to an end.  We stopped by, and as we were standing there, someone vaguely familiar looking walked by.  He had a name tag on because he was a trustee of the museum.  It was none other than Norm Abram, host of This Old House and The New Yankee Workshop.

Norm Abram watching the rededication ceremony
After the ceremony Norm went to talk with the master craftsmen who had worked on the project. Chris wanted to take a picture and talk with him, but he also didn't want to interrupt. We waited around for a little while, but they were having a nice long conversation. So in the end, this is the only photo I have- taken on the sly with my phone as we all stood watching the ceremony.

I think at this time of year things are going to quiet down a bit at the village.  Most of our other visits had been on weekends where special events were going on, but the calendar looks a bit sparce for the next few months.  Makes sense, since there's really no farming to do over the winter.  Plus with the chillier weather, I imagine fewer people will want to visit.  Maybe now we'll make a point of going into all of the buildings to check them out.

Also, as a random aside, I got stung by a yellow jacket while we were there on Saturday.  4 days later and it still hurts!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A medical update

I realize I haven't updated on Bennett's medical condition lately.  (Ok, I haven't really updated on anything lately.)  So here goes.

At the cardiologist- August 2011
August 2011 he saw the cardiologist.  It had been a few months since he had last been in.  The cardiologist he had been seeing had left to go to another hospital.  We considered staying with him, but in the end figured we'd rather stay with Children's. 

The ECHO was challenging.  Bennett did not like lying still.  They got some images, but not great ones.

We met (very briefly) with the new cardiologist and were told that everything looked good.  Come back in a year.

Fast forward to 2012.  When we left last year, they had mentioned the possibility of doing a sedated ECHO next time, but that they would let us know.  After a horrible experience with a kidney/bladder ultrasound back in February, Chris and I knew sedated was the way to go.  So I called and made it known that we thought it would be best if Bennett were sedated.  Finally we heard back that yes, they thought so to.  And then the appointment ended up being rescheduled a couple of times.

Finally at the end of September we were able to get in.  Being sedated meant nothing to eat after 2:30am the night before, and only clear liquids until 8:30am.  (Appointment scheduled for 9:30.)  Surprisingly he did well with nothing to eat, and didn't fuss about no milk.  He was more annoyed with the 2 hour drive to Children's in the morning.  Under "normal" circumstances it would take maybe 45-60 minutes, but it was rush hour.  Chris found some Thomas videos on his phone for Bennett to watch, and that kept him happy for a little while.

Then began the waiting.  At this point we're used to appointments at Children's taking excessive amounts of time with lots of time waiting.  In this case, we were told 9:30, they had us down for 10:00.  They got a height and weight and then brought us back.  Interestingly, our little pipsqueak, was pretty much right on the upper range of being able to take the sedation medicine. 

Passing time while waiting to be sedated. 
They had a play doctor kit in the exam room that Bennett liked playing with while we waited.  Finally they were ready!  The nurse came back in and gave him the medicine.  And then we had to wait for him to fall asleep.  Bennett does not like being told to go to sleep, especially a couple of hours before his normal nap time!  Daddy and I took turns holding him and trying to keep him still.  We couldn't put him down because he would likely fall and hurt himself.  Plus I think he would have been really confused about what was happening.  In the end Chris lay down on the exam table and held him.  All in all, this took maybe 15 minutes.

Then it was time to transfer him to the room where they do the ECHOs.  He woke up slightly when he was transferred but he went right back to sleep.  The nurse stayed with him and Chris and I went to get some food.

He also did some coloring with his new Aquadoodle
that he got for his birthday.

Some people have commented that they wouldn't be able to/ wouldn't want to leave their child there, but with our experience at Children's, we've learned that when you get an opportunity to eat, take it.  Doesn't matter that it's only 11:00.  Go. Eat. 

When we got back to the room the person doing the ECHO was just wrapping up.  They had been able to get great pictures and a very thorough look at his heart.  Bennett was still sleeping, so they went ahead and did an EKG.  Then the cardiologist came in to talk to us.

It was awesome being able to talk and be able to give our full attention to the doctor rather than only have listening while we're trying to entertain Bennett and keep him from getting into everything.  And the news is... He's doing awesome!  The cardiologist commented that Bennett now has "mild regurgitation".  Wow!  Such a change from what we were hearing just before he was born.  They may not do an ECHO again next year, but that's ok because they were able to get such a thorough look this time.  And everything is looking great.  No reasons why he should be prevented from doing sports or other activities.  Future surgeries?  Maybe, but likely not until he's a teen/young adult, and possibly won't ever need anything else.

When we were done talking, and Bennett had been asleep a decent amount of nap time, the nurse removed the EKG stickers.  This woke Bennett up.  The nurse commented that coming out of sedation was similar to being drunk.  And that like with alcohol there are happy drunks and angry drunks, there was a similar range of outcomes when coming out of sedation.

Bennett is a happy drunk!  But  he also thought he could act like his normal self.  Um, sorry buddy.  We had to hold him to keep him from falling down or crashing in to things.  After he drank some milk we were free to go.

He also had his 2 year appointment with the pediatrician that afternoon.  We had time to kill between appointments so we stopped by Brandeis to visit Chris' co-workers.  The effects of the sedation hadn't worn off yet.  It was a struggle to restrain him!  This is a boy who doesn't like sitting still for very long!  But it was entertaining watching him try to walk.  But also a little scary since we had to keep such a close eye on him.

Asleep in the waiting room.

Then it was off to the pediatrician.  Bennett fell asleep again in the car.  He must have still been feeling the effects of the sedation because he didn't wake up when we took him out of the car.  Plus he slept in my arms while hanging in the (noisy) waiting room.  It was awesome!  I haven't been able to hold a sleeping Bennett in almost a year.  I hadn't realized how much I missed that.

Asleep in the exam room.

Then when we took him into the exam room he was still sleeping.  The nurses kept asking if he was ok- was there anything wrong with him?  Nope, just the after-effects of the sedation medication.  Understandable though, because I can imagine if I saw him lying on the table like this I would probably freak out a little as well.

When the doctor came in, we woke him up since we had to get an updated height.  They didn't like the measurement that we had gotten at Children's because it was very different from the last measurement that they had.

And then it was a pretty basic appointment, except we had to keep a closer eye on Bennett to keep him from falling from chairs and crashing into things.  But he was good about sitting still when he needed to be examined.  Pediatrician didn't express any concerns to us.  Yeah, Bennett has a speech delay, but he is making progress.  (We'll be so happy when he learns to communicate more!)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day Out with Thomas

So for those who aren't aware, I have a degree in Theatre with an emphasis on Costume Construction.  Other than summerstock the year after I graduated and working on one production at a local theatre, those skills have been pretty under-utilized in the past 13 years.  People often ask me if I miss it or if I would want to get back into theatre.  I say, "not really, but my kids will have kick-ass Halloween costumes."  For years (long before Bennett was even a twinkle in our eyes) I've been saying this.  Well, it's now that time...

Back in August Chris and I brainstormed and we came up with idea of Bennett's Halloween Costume being Sir Topham Hatt from Thomas the Tank Engine.  Right after we decided this I started working again and then had to finish everything for his birthday party, so costume plans were set aside.

Then about 2 weeks ago I sat down and planned it all out.  I had a month to get the costume done.  Not too bad- I could take my time and I wouldn't have to rush or stress.  But then I wondered if "Day Out with Thomas" was coming up.  I figured we'd probably missed it, but that it didn't hurt to check.  It was less than two weeks away.  Eeek!!!

So for the past week and a half I've been up late every night stitching away.
4th went fabric shopping and started cutting out the jacket
5th - 9th made the jacket
10th made the waistcoat (vest)
11th started the hat
12th more or less finished the hat, started the spats (and stayed up until 1am)
13th (while at my hair appointment and in the car on the way there) finished sewing the lining into the tophat and sewed snaps onto the spats.

Phew, that was a long 10 days!

All week long he was very resistant every time I had to have him try his costume on.  The jacket was the worst!  He did NOT want to wear it!  I was a little nervous of how things would go on Saturday.

Bennett napped in the car on the way there, but didn’t sleep long enough and woke up cranky. We tried changing his clothes in the parking lot, but He. Was. Not. Having. It. We managed to change his pants but he didn't really want that to happen.  Put on his dress shoes and tried to put the spats on.  As soon as I got them snapped on, he was ripping them off.  So we put him back in his sneakers and I put the clothes in a bag and brought them in with us. Shortly before Sir Topham Hatt showed up for pictures we changed him. He still resisted, but once we got him dressed he was fine. Only we didn’t bother to change his shoes, since that had been the initial cause of the meltdown at the car. So he was all spiffy- and then in sneakers. Phooey
It was fun to hear the comments from other parents about how he looked like Sir Topham, and from some of the staff as well.

At first he wasn’t happy, but this may have been because we tried putting him down on his own. When that didn’t work, Chris quickly jumped in. Got a few pics that way, and then tried a single shot.

But the best is this one from the official photographer. I may need to pay the crazy amount of money to get it.

Not thrilled with any of the official photos with Thomas, and I didn’t get to take any with my camera. This one may be the best (there were three) and I think Bennett’s eyes are closed.

We then got to ride the train. We had a car all to ourselves which was nice because Bennett was able to run around.

Then at the end of the day (they were about to close) a staff member asked if she could take his picture for the website, but then she later said FB. Either way it’s pretty cool. Guess they don’t usually get people dressing up.

So all in all, I’m glad I pushed to get the costume done in time. I’d like to say I won’t be this ambitious next year, but I doubt that’s true.

Oh, and his hat really does fit. There’s a little resistance when you put it on, and Chris didn’t realize that. So it’s just sitting really high in all of the hat pictures except the last one.

Then yesterday I brought him to Brandeis.  The costume designer there had been most helpful to me with some pattern drafting- especially getting things to me during tech week!  She wanted to see him in his costume, and due to schedules, yesterday was really the only day I would be able to bring him in when she was there.  So after nap we headed in.  I changed him in Chris' office.  He was a little resistant, but not too bad.  Still didn't want to wear his hat though, although he is wearing it here.

We changed him again before we left and he wanted to carry the bag with his costume out to the car.  When we got home, he insisted on carrying the bag in.  Then what does he do?  Reaches in, pulls out the hat and puts it on.  And then starts pulling other things out and wants to put his spats on.  Really?  I'm glad you like it, but couldn't you have been more receptive on Saturday?

Still a few more occasions to wear it, so I hope he remains happy with it. (Trick or treating in town on the 26th, costume birthday party on the 27th, Halloween party at school, trick or treating on the 31st, and we're also taking him to have pictures taken.)