Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 16: Jan 6th - Jan 12th

Jan 6th
We took you today to meet a potential day care provider.  I hope she’ll take you (she’s interviewing someone else on Monday) as at this point we don’t have any other options.  Then Daddy brought you to have Mumma’s ice skates sharpened and the guys at the shop all oohed & aahed over you.  When will you start skating?
Jan 7th
Today you lived up to your nicknames of Mr. Crankypants/ Mr. Fussybritches!  Ugh.  Daddy said that if you weren’t sleeping you were cranky and screaming.  You had an appointment re the flat spot on your head and you continue to make progress.  Then you stopped to visit Mumma at work.  In other news, Mumma’s cousin Beth had a baby today named Jasper Robert Lucey.
Jan 8th
You had a big milestone today!  You rolled over for the first time from your front to the back.  Daddy doesn’t want to believe that it happened since he wasn’t there to see it.  We thought it might happen soon- you seemed almost ready when we were in GA.  Also, the new reflux meds seem to be working.
Jan 9th
You did it again, although Daddy’s not quite ready to believe it.  You rolled over again this morning for Mumma and Daddy (but Daddy says it doesn’t count because you were leaning a bit to begin with).  And then later you went to see Mimi and you rolled over while we were there.  Unfortunately your fussy eating returned.
Jan 10th
It’s days like this when Daddy says he’s ready to go back to work and that he’s not sure that he can last a week!  You had a very cranky morning.  Luckily the afternoon was better.  When Mumma came home you started off ok, but as the evening progressed you got very cranky again.  We’re anxiously waiting for your new reflux meds to work.
Jan 11th
Today went much like yesterday- you had a cranky morning and a good afternoon followed by a good early evening and then growing cranky again at bedtime.  We also took you to visit another daycare (the one we saw last week decided to go with a different family).  Hopefully this one will work out.
Jan 12th
Today was a snow day for Mumma and Daddy.  Brandeis was closed so Daddy was home and Mumma decided to work from home.  I think we got about 10” of snow, maybe more.  You had a very good day- very little fussing and you ate well.  And Mumma even got video of you rolling over.

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