Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week in review

Once again it was a pretty quiet week, although we did get out on this weekend.

Back when Bennett was about 6 months old, I went to a consignment sale and picked up this toy, which we called "the cube of awesome".  Bennett was just starting to stand and would hold onto it- although it was a little tippy so we would have to help it to stay stable.  He played with it nonstop.  Then he stopped for a while, but lately Bennett has been getting back into it.  This week we counted some of the triangle beads that are on the top.  One of the best toy purchases!

Saturday after skating we went to Sturbridge because they were having a sleigh rally.  Being Presidents' weekend they also had some presidential events, including these tricorn hats the kids could wear.
And since then, Bennett has been telling us all about what we did.  "Boba, back, ocken (oxen), cookies."  Obviously we can tell what the most important parts of the day were to him.  :)

Just one of the sleighs.  Cute kid all bundled up, as well as a dog for the sleigh dog category.

Sunday we woke up to a couple of inches of snow.  We all went out to shovel the driveway. Someone was walking down the street when we were out there and laughed a bit at Bennett.  Considering he was taking snow and dumping it back onto the driveway, he wasn't exactly being the most productive.  But he was having fun, so that's really all that matters.

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