Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back in the saddle again

On Monday Bennett had lots of accidents on Monday.  I knew this as soon as we picked him up from school and I saw him in this outfit of mis-matched plaids.  I think he wet through 4 pairs of pants that day.

Also on the potty training front, we started night training last week.  The main reason?  We didn't want to buy more diapers.  We've been using disposables at night rather than cloth since it's not worth doing frequent laundry and you don't want a diaper to be sitting wet for too long.  However, since starting we've now been doing laundry on a daily basis since we have to wash multiple sets of sheets.  Ugh.  Maybe in a month or so we'll be able to speak about night training in a more favorable light.  For now, it's pretty hellish.

It was time for the monthly photo this week.  We kept forgetting, so it was a couple of days late.

On Saturday Bennett spent the day with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry while we did some cleaning/purging.  As I said when I asked if they could watch him, things are easier without a small child "helping".  Plus we did some rearranging of things in his room, and he doesn't do well if you change things while he is there.  But he's perfectly ok to go into a room to see them changed.

Here he is helping with the recycling.  Or at least that's what we're going to assume he was doing. 

He also saw a Mountain Dew bottle while he was at their place.  He pointed at it and said, "Daddy's soda!"

On Sunday in the car Bennett and I had the following conversation:
     Bennett: Uncle Andrew.  Book.
     Mum:  Did Uncle Andrew read you a book?
     Bennett:  Yeah.  Poop!
Thanks, Andrew.  Because the kid wasn't interested in poop enough as it was!

On Sunday morning we dropped off a bunch of things at church for the upcoming rummage sale.  This included some of Bennett's old books and toys.  If he hadn't been there when we dropped them off, he probably would have been fine adn wouldn't have even noticed they were missing.  But instead he very sadly whined about his "toys".  We explained that they were baby toys and that he's a big boy now.  He kind of understood that, because later he told me he was a big boy, but he kept asking, "toys, where?"  And he also noticed that he now has an empty bookshelf since we were able to consolidate things a bit.  "Books, where?"  Again, he wouldn't notice which books are missing, but in this case it's pretty obvious that they aren't there any more.
Other things Bennett has been saying lately.  These aren't exactly words he should be saying in polite company.
armadillo = dildo
horse = hor (whore)
blueberries = boobies

And not in the same category as the others, but toothpaste = toe paste.  Which just sounds really gross!

Finally, a few more pictures to share.  Back in 2010 we first noticed a horse appear in a field in Lincoln.  Since then, more horses have gradually joined the "herd".

Here it is in August 2010.  Just one lone horse.

And here's the field now.  8 horses at the moment.  I'd love to be able to add some horses to the herd.  Maybe I'll have to start scouring yard sales?
For a while now I've wanted to take Bennett to check out the horses, but although we pass them every day on our way to and from work, Bennett isn't with us at that point.  So on Saturday we made a point of stopping after we picked him up from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry's.  He loved it!  He wanted to ride each and every one of them.  Unfortunately a couple of them were broken so he wasn't able to, but he climbed on the ones he could and rocked back and forth.
And when he was done with the horses, he went over to the fence and said loudly, "cows, moooo!"

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