Total weight gain/loss: Up another 2 pounds. At this rate I believe I will be above the "recommended" weight gain for my starting weight and height, but I'm not overly concerned.
Stretch Marks: Nothing new. I really can't complain.
Sleep: Most nights I find myself waking up to pee. And it seems I tend to wake up consistently between 5 and 5:30. I usually fall back to sleep pretty quickly and I'm very glad there's a bathroom attached to our bedroom. When house hunting last year, there was one we looked at that only had a bathroom on the lower level. Chris didn't think it would be a big deal. I knew otherwise. I'm glad we decided not to buy that house. :)
Best moment this week: Got a wonderful car load of hand-me downs from my friend Mel. Still need to find the time to sort through them and figure out what's what. For now, they're pretty much all in the living room.
Worst moment this week: Afternoon sleepiness.
Movement: Oh my! Baby has been moving up a storm this week. Not so much with the kicks that I've been feeling in the past, but with lots of pressure up against my belly. Which prompted these texts last week.
Me: Please tell your child to stop abusing me.Belly Button in or out? Barely still in. I feel like a broken record saying that every week.
Him: Katrina Anne/ Bennett Henry Bredford stop abusing your mother!
Me: Thanks. I like you you used the full name.
Me: Baby didn't listen.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
What I'm going to miss/What I can't wait for: Can't wait for Baby to get here. Wish I didn't have to wait another 2+ months.
Milestones/Fun Moments: The nursery got painted this week. Our friend Kristin will be coming in late September/ early October to paint some murals for us as well. But for now, the main wall color is up and the ceiling and trim has been painted. Much brighter now! I also finished knitting the pair of socks I was working on and started on a soaker (used as a cover with cloth diapers).
What we need to do: Need to finish getting the room ready and get a car seat, but pretty much feeling like things are under control.