Thursday, May 13, 2010

15 Weeks- Development

Your Baby This Coming Week

Fine hair called lanugo covers your baby, who now measures about 4.3 to 4.6 inches (10.8 to 11.6cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces (80g).

Fingernails are well formed and the arms and legs may be seen moving on an ultrasound. Your baby already has his own unique fingerprint pattern!

Your baby can hold his head erect and he can also make faces with his slightly developed facial muscles. Your baby may practice squinting, frowning and opening and closing his mouth.

Your baby's bones have enough calcium deposits to show on an X-ray. If your baby is female, her ovaries will be in place in her pelvis and more than five million ova (some of which may be fertilized to become your own grandchildren in another generation!) have formed.

Your Body This Coming Week

Your uterus is increasing in size and so is the amount of amniotic fluid it contains- about seven and a half ounces right now. You should be able to feel your uterus in the lower part of your abdomen.

A small portion of pregnant women are able to feel the baby move this early. When your baby moves, you may feel it like a slight fluttering in your stomach. Don't worry though if you haven't felt this yet as it is still very early.

Your breasts are changing. The milk glands in your breasts may start production, which can cause swelling or tenderness in early pregnancy. The blood flow to your breasts also increases, making the veins more visible and the Montgomery's tubercles more pronounced. Montgomery tubercles are the tiny oil producing glands which appear as bumps scattered around the areolae. They are said to both lubricate the breast to keep the skin healthy and elastic and to prevent the growth of bacteria. They will remain enlarged throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: up another pound
TP test: Just shy of 10 squares
Maternity Clothes: Tuesday I ran out and bought 3 pairs of maternity pants. Plus I have the few things I ordered last week. I hope I really like them because I imagine I'll be very tired of them in November. Some of the new clothes are still a little loose, but I doubt that will last for very long.
Food cravings/ aversions: People keep asking about this, but I don't think there has really been anything major.
"Morning" Sickness: So for reasons I can't explain I did experience a couple bouts of sickness over the weekend. Felt fine one minute and not the next. Hopefully it won't last.
Signs of Pregnancy: Now starting to wear maternity clothes. And it's official- my belly is now bigger than my boobs.
Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep: Eh. On the radio station I listen to, one of the DJ's wife is expecting a baby and people were calling in with advice. Many people said make sure you have a new mattress. How true! I can't wait until we get our tax return and we can go shopping for a new bed.
Big things this week: Shopping! This week has been full of getting some things for the baby. Our church had a rummage sale and we got a ton of stuff. We actually went back on 3 different days. And stopped at another church's yard sale as well. We spent $79 and got a bassinet, pack & play, exersaucer, doorway jumping thing, another sit-in activity thing, a couple of activity mats, a bag of clothes, a boppy, wooden puzzles, toys, toys, toys, at least a bag and a half of books, plus misc gift items for other people (brewing stuff for Uncle Andrew, vintage Fisher Price Little People for a friend who collects them, dress up clothes for a friend's child, books for kids we know, etc.) And we actually paid $15 more than they wanted us to because I felt they were under charging us.
Gender prediction: Not really thinking about it because I know it doesn't matter.
Movement: Nothing yet. Looking forward to feeling something.
Labor Pains: Nothing yet.
Belly Button in or out? In. Getting stretched a bit though. After 12 years I took out my belly button ring. Since I don't like needles I hadn't watched when he put it in. As a result, I wasn't exactly sure how it was held secure. I thought I was going to have to use two pairs of pliers to pry it apart. I've kind of been dreading having to deal with it. Turns out the ball on the ring popped off really easily. Wow, wish I had known how easy it was a few years ago!
Wedding rings on or off? On. And a little loose.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't put off getting those maternity clothes. It's not worth it to deal with pants that are uncomfortable.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

14 Weeks

Your baby, now as long as a lemon, weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. (Length: 3 1/2 inches, head to bottom.)

14 Weeks- Development

Your Baby This Coming Week

Your baby measures about 3.7 to 4.1 inches (about 9.3 to 10.3cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 1.75 ounces (50g).

Your baby's bones still consist of soft cartilage but they are now beginning to harden and the development of the bones and the marrow continues. Her ears are developing into a more recognizable shape and any hair already on the head and brows will become thicker.

Your baby may already be sucking her thumb.

Her skin is thin and translucent and all her blood vessels can be seen through it.

Her hair continues to grow on her head and her eyebrows. If her hair will be dark, the follicles will start to generate pigment to color her hair.

Your baby is moving more now and is becoming increasingly flexible. She can bend her arms at the elbows and wrists and she can make tiny fists with her hands.

Your Body This Coming Week
Most of the discomforts of early pregnancy, such as nausea and fatigue are behind you for now and you are probably feeling better. The pregnancy is probably feeling like a reality. Any dark pigment on your skin (such as moles and freckles) may become even darker, and you might develop a facial pigmentation known as chloasma which will fade after the birth.

Week 14 Journal

How far along? 14 weeks. (And a happy birthday to Jen Whitson.)
Total weight gain/loss: Up another 2, so I think that's 8 lbs overall?
TP test: Just about 10 squares.
Maternity Clothes: I broke down and ordered a couple of pairs of pants, a skirt, and a bathing suit. My current clothes are getting tight and I have an upcoming work trip to Florida.
Food cravings/ aversions: Still haven't actually tried the chocolate/strawberry milk combo, but a friend said her kids drink it all the time and like it.
"Morning" Sickness: I think it's pretty much gone.
Signs of Pregnancy: Running out of pants that fit. And starting to show a bit at work, depending on what I wear. I had a clingier shirt on earlier this week and it was particularly noticeable.
Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep: Slightly better than last week, but certainly not great.
Big things this week: I don't think there's been anything that momentous.
Gender prediction: Who knows. I think I'm trying to avoid predicting one way or the other because I don't want to be wrong.
Movement: Probably not for another month or so. Kind of freaked Chris out a bit though. I had moved my legs into a position which caused a bit of round ligament pain. Moved them back. Then a bit later forgot about it and tried moving my legs again. Another stab of pain, and I commented that the baby didn't like that. I think he thought I meant that I was being kicked. Nope, not yet.
Labor Pains: Nothing yet.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely in. Still wondering when I should take out my belly ring.
Wedding rings on or off? On. And a little loose.
Weekly Wisdom: Just take it one day at a time. It all goes by so quickly.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

For comparison

Just a side by side comparison of week 8 vs week 12. Taken last weekend, but I don't think there has been great change since then. Both these photos were taken in mid-afternoon. When I wake up in the morning my belly isn't as large as this.

13 Weeks- Development

Your Baby This Coming Week

Your baby measures about 3.2 to 3.5 inches (7.6 to 8.9cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 0.9 ounces (25g). Your baby is now nourished by the placenta.

His face is developing and his cheeks and the bridge of his nose are appearing. His ears are moving from the sides of his neck to higher on his head and his eyes are moving closer together. Your baby's external genitals are now distinct and may be recognized on an ultrasound. Your baby will move away from stimuli near your tummy, such as noise and light.

Your baby's eyebrows have formed and a small amount of hair, called lanugo, has appeared all over his body. Lanugo, which will be shed before birth and replaced with the hairs with which your baby will be born, is thought to have a protective function.

Insulin is present in your baby's pancreas. Some bones may be well outlined. Your baby's thyroid gland, already developed by this week, begins to make hormones.

Baby boys begin to develop the prostate gland at this time and the ovaries of baby girls descend from the abdomen into the pelvis.

Your Body This Coming Week

By now your uterus is about the size of a large grapefruit. If your due date has not already been predicted, an ultrasound measurement of your baby's head can be used to make one.

Your pre-pregnancy clothes are probably too tight by now. If you haven't already got some maternity clothes, now is probably the time to get some. You'll be most comfortable in loose-fitting clothes. Make sure you really like your maternity clothes- you'll be wearing them a lot. Friends, family and thrift shops can be a great source of maternity clothes.

You may feel less exhausted than you did earlier in your pregnancy. Some women even start to experience a rejuvenating surge of energy at around this time. Many women report that the second trimester is the best time of pregnancy as the morning sickness of the first trimester has usually passed, and the discomforts and weariness of the third trimester have yet to begin. If you would like to take a last holiday before your baby arrives, the second trimester, with your doctor's approval, is probably the best time to do so. This could be a good opportunity for you and your partner to connect and share some couple-time before the baby arrives.