Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Birthday, naps, skating and OSV

I guess the lack of napping last week was a fluke.  This week he was back to napping every day, although on Sunday it took him quite some time to fall asleep.

Monday was my birthday.  Bennett had lots of fun opening my cards and presents.  And yes, my presents were mostly Legos.  Why do you ask?

Then it was time for cake.  Or more specifically, cupcakes.  I did have to bake them myself, but they were quite tasty.

And apparently when you have a three-year-old in the house, hats are a necessary accessory.

On Friday night Bennett went to Uncle Andrew and Aunt Gentry's while Mummy and Daddy had a date night.  This took a bit of tricky coordination due to daycare closing time, train schedules, etc but we made it work.  And the adult time was nice.

On Saturday we had skating.  Bennett is being his typical self and not wanting to do things on his own- instead wanting help to stand up, march, etc.  Apparently the allure of toys, other kids, etc isn't quite enough.

Then after skating we headed off to OSV.  This weekend we consulted the weather forecast in advance and Saturday was the much nicer day! 

When we got to the farmhouse Ryan remarked again about how she really liked Bennett's Halloween costume.  Guess we really made an impression.  :)  Also while we were at the farm Bennett had been busy watching the animals.  Then he looked over and saw Dave.  Bennett ran over saying, "Hi Dave.  Whatcha doin?"  Nope, Bennett doesn't feel comfortable there at all.  Nope, not at all.  Ha!

In the tinshop he got to help Phil make more tin biscuit cutters.  Phil didn't seem to remember that we had made one the week prior.  Maybe at this rate I'll have a whole collection!

Here Phil is soldering the ends together.

And then Sunday was errand day.  Chris and I split up in the morning (Bennett going with Daddy) to go to stores in different directions.  I got back just as Chris had put Bennett down for nap and then he went off to work to strike the set.  After about two hours of chattering to himself I finally got Bennett to go to sleep!  If only it weren't such a struggle.

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